Friday, November 12, 2010

Homework - follow the rule (Nov, 9th, 2010)

Alexander does not like homework and it usually takes him a long time to finish it.

Daddy’s car broke down in the morning, and we had to get the kids from school. Then we were busy shopping for a new car and had dinner. By the time we got home, it was almost 7:30 pm. Luckily, the next day there’s no school (Veteran’s Day), and I asked Alexander if he could work on his homework on the following day. Alexander started to panic and insisted that he must finish his homework first. No matter how we explained to him, Alexander was insisted he had to finish it, and sure enough he did.

I was surprised it only took him 15 minutes to get it done. Just like “follow the rule” rule, he had to follow our home rule – homework first, then play – even though we were all tired. ;)

See them in Heaven

Alexander created a lot files on Wii. His sister, Meiying, would like to delete some of her game play pictures from Wii to free up some HD space. (These were “freeze frame” shots taken during their games that caught various animated characters, and not of great significance. At least that’s what we thought). When he found out, Alexander cried and could not let go of these images. It took a while for him to agree that Meiying could delete some of her files. But at night, Alexander cried and asked me: Mom, will I see these images when I go to heaven? I told him: “Maybe, I am not sure. I haven’t died and gone to heaven, so I do not know. If I die, I will not be able to tell you. I really do not know.” Two days later, Alexander whispered to me: Mom, I prayed to God last night, asking him to let me see these images when I go to heaven. And he had a shy smile and started to giggle.
I do not know what or how to explain. Again, who knows? I saw his happy face and I think that’s all that mattered.